Can I Get Penis Enlargement if I Have Erectile Dysfunction?
Millions of American men are stifled by erectile dysfunction, reduced body confidence, and other sexual issues. In addition, many are unhappy with the size and aesthetics of their penis. Fortunately, these individuals may be great candidates for the male enhancement made possible through modern penis enlargement techniques at Chiseled in Spring, TX.
To find out if you’re among these individuals, please contact us today to speak to board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Young Cho.
Can I get penis enlargement if I have erectile dysfunction?
Many men have pursued penis enlargement at Chiseled, but there’s no all-encompassing, set-in-stone answer as to whether or not an individual is a good candidate for male enhancement. There are multiple factors that must be considered first, including one’s overall health, lifestyle factors, physiology, and personal needs. So, the first step of your male enhancement journey begins with a comprehensive consultation, during which you can candidly tell us your expectations so we can discuss your best treatment option.
For individuals with erectile dysfunction (ED), a condition that prevents men from enjoying a fulfilling sex life, multiple variables are at play. For example, numerous aspects impact the onset and degree of one’s ED. Health is an influential criterion, and individuals with chronic conditions (such as diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, obesity, and other ailments) are likelier to experience ED.
Circulatory and nervous system functions are also essential, so it’s important for men with ED to seek a professional diagnosis and treatment plan for their ED, as this is the underlying problem that may make it impossible to enjoy meaningful intercourse with one’s partner.
Fortunately, there are various strategies to reduce the symptoms of ED. These strategies can include straightforward, everyday things one can do at home, including regular exercise. And adopting a more nutritious diet full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, lean protein sources, and healthy fats.
What penis enlargement options do I have?
After ED-based considerations have been dealt with, those who are unhappy with the size or aesthetics of their penis can explore multiple penis enlargement techniques. Because in addition to ED, unhappiness with one’s body can cause a loss of self-confidence, which leads to reduced sexual desire, potential anxiety, and a reluctance to engage in intimacy with a loved one. Therefore, male enhancement could offer you a game-changing option to improve your performance and desire in the bedroom.
We’re proud to provide our patients with diverse treatment strategies to potentially transform one’s size and aesthetics. A commonly used technique is known as a dermal filler. Dermal fillers are also utilized in other body areas, such as the face or where a patient requires a volumizing lift. The filler substance can also be applied to the penis during a quick procedure involving a simple injection into the penile tissues. Patients will be awake during this process, but we’ll minimize pain and discomfort using a combo of topical and local anesthesia.
A similar technique utilizes a fat transfer rather than dermal fillers. A fat transfer begins with us harvesting a bit of your fat, meaning you’ll also gain some leanness as the fatty tissue is removed. It’s then purified and inserted into the penile tissues, as the dermal filler would be.
Finally, we also offer a ligament transection, a surgical procedure. During a ligament transection, we surgically sever the suspensory ligament that holds the penis close to the body to increase flaccid length.
Improve your life through male enhancement options
Are you unhappy with the size or appearance of your penis? Do you struggle with an unfulfilling sex life, reduced confidence, or lack of desire? If so, a penis enlargement could help you flip the script and enjoy unprecedented intimacy with your partner. And board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Young Cho would love to make that a reality for you. So, reach out to us at Chiseled to explore your options in Spring, TX.