New Year, New You. Regain Your Confidence With a Penis Enlargement
The new year period is a time for bettering ourselves through resolutions and revolutions. So why not revolutionize the way you look and regain your confidence simultaneously? We’re here to assist you to achieve just that, offering the most advanced, effective techniques available for male enhancement.
Whether you’d like more size – be it length or girth – to improve your performance or to help yourself and your partner enjoy a re-energized sex life, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Young Cho would love to make your wishes come true.
Countless previous patients have been enamored with their results, and we’ll do everything possible so you will be as well. Explore your options by contacting us today at Chiseled in Spring, TX.
Are you a good candidate to regain your confidence via a life-transforming (and sex-life transforming) penis enlargement?
How can you tell if you’re a good candidate for one of our effective male enhancement techniques? Fortunately, there aren’t any major contraindications. If you’re unsatisfied with your sexual performance and want to gift yourself (and your loved one) a revitalizing boost in the bedroom, our safe, state-of-the-art options can give you a functional pick-me-up. And an aesthetic transformation that will quickly give you a refreshed, more positive mind-state if you’re unhappy with the apparent size of your penis.
Our wonderfully effective, modern techniques provide natural-looking, self-esteem boosting male enhancement
We proudly offer various fantastic male enhancement treatments, along with excellent detail-attentive care. So, our expert staff and Dr. Cho will draw on vast experience to discuss your specific needs, expectations, and any relevant health or lifestyle factors. Armed with this knowledge, we’ll tailor a treatment plan just for you. This may include one or a combination of the following procedures:
Ligament transection
Unlike the options to follow, this doesn’t add anything to your body in terms of fillers or anything of the sort. Instead, it’s an “addition by subtraction” scenario, which involves altering the ligaments within the penis. These generally hold it close to the body. Through a little extra laxity in these ligaments will allow the penis to sit farther from the body, almost immediately increasing length and overall size while improving general appearance.
Dermal fillers
This procedure is carried out while the patient is fully awake, though you needn’t worry about pain or discomfort, as we’ll administer a mix of topical and local anesthesia to make everything as comfortable as possible. Then, we’ll inject a dermal filler (of the type used to plump one’s lips or face or other body parts) into the penis. The result is an instant improvement in length, girth, and size.
Fat transfer
Procedurally, this is like the previously described dermal filler. Yet instead of injecting a filler, we use your own fat cells, which are carefully harvested from a body region that holds ample adipose content, such as the stomach or thighs. The healthy fat cells we collect are purified and then added into the penile tissues to bulk them up.
Contact us today to regain your confidence and enjoy a new you
No matter which treatment option you pursue, our board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Young Cho can increase your confidence – and increased confidence is something that translates to every part of your day and improves your life. So, to explore your options and enjoy a new, improved version of yourself, reach out to us today at Chiseled in Spring, TX.